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Our F - litter is born on august 18th ! We  have 10 tawny puppies from ÖJCH.Emanuelle de la rue de fleurs and CH. Amadeus Nox du Coeur Poilu! 8 males and 2 females! here the first pictures: 







Emanuelle pedigree

 Amadeus Nox 






In black born grey puppies from Xia du Coeur poilu and CH. Mickel Angelo de Lacabru! And it is sure, that Xia is pregnant and will have a lot of puppies!

Xia du Coeur Poilu







          CH. Mickel - Angelo de Lacabru











You can call us: eMail: puppies@briards.at

or phone +43 (0) 2626 / 5080 oder +43 (0) 664 / 1001300

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 20.08.02 aktualisiert.